Beyond Hatred – Take No Vengeance

In this series of lessons we are examining a text in Romans chapter twelve which presents God’s plan for addressing annoyances and hateful feelings within relationships.

Thus far we have found that the journey to get beyond hatred starts with “managing one’s mouth,” then moves into “looking at the emotional state” of an offender. It continues as one attempts to “understand the thinking and position” of the one who has been hurtful in word or action.

In this lesson we open up the fourth key: “never, never, never – take your own vengeance!” When one has suffered from being wronged, the natural human desire is to find some way to “get even.” We want those who hurt us to be hurt.

However, retaliation can never provide lasting release from negative feelings held toward the recipient. Dealing out vengeance does not deliver what the natural person promises. In this lesson we look at some of God’s spiritual strategies for hateful feelings and the desire for vengeance which they often produce.