Loving Your Way Beyond Hatred

Hatred is a very stealth enemy. It sneaks into nations, societies, occupations, politics, churches and families, causing illogical and irrational embitterment as well as catastrophic actions. Getting beyond hatred is a daunting task. Can it be legislated out of existence? Could we just demand that people stop it? Will it be overcome and really addressed through platitudes plastered on posters and shouted from the mouths of protestors?

We are beginning a series of lessons in which we hope to explore the divine instructions for working through hatred. Human nature holds much jealousy and anger – according to Scripture these provide the framework upon which hatred is built – Ez. 35:11. This means the train being driven toward solutions to hate, easily gets derailed. Often running off track because the engineers choose to run the locomotive on the full-throttle of uncontrolled emotions rather than harnessed energy.

Therefore, the intervention of God’s truth into human hearts is foundational in addressing all levels of hatred, from annoyance to full blown loathing. It is God who has the instructions on how to send the train of hatred into the roundhouse for badly needed repair. In this lesson we will propose a text from which we will glean divine strategies and feasible solutions for working one’s way beyond the control of hatred.