Some Truths about Sin

Our modern world is intent upon renaming, justifying and even erasing the word sin from our vocabulary. There is nothing politically correct about calling anything sinful. To do so may result in accusations of hatred and phobia. What does God have to say about sinful behavior? It is time we revisit some of God’s truthful teachings regarding the sinful.

Renaming, justifying, and exalting that which “misses God’s mark” does not remove it from the category of the sinful. Humans cannot honestly lower God’s standard so as to put some imaginary positive result on that which by nature is personally destructive.

The focus of this lesson is to examine how sin negatively effects one’s self-image. Is obedience to a higher standard foundational to one’s personal wholeness and well-being? How does a sinful focus develop? Is there a known pathology for the layers of destruction sin introduces?

Click the play button below to begin this study.