This Is Us – Too

In our last lesson we looked at the corrupted human nature which possesses all humanity. It is a sad “this is us” reality. Our spiritual nature was marginalized within the fall of humanity, giving authority and priority to the fleshly nature of the body, soul, and emotions.

Although we all possess a “this is us” corrupt nature, there is the possibility of becoming something different. It has been made available through the blood of the “second Adam.” We can become something new and make our spiritual nature primary again. It is a peaceful reality that “this can be us – too.” In this study we look to Scripture to discover the method my which we can reestablish our spiritual nature to a primary place – supplanting our body, soul, and emotions to its oversight.

There is great hope! The possibility of repentance, resolution and restoration. Life experienced “to the full.” Living under the sanctifying work of the Spirit while remaining tied to the ever present “wretched” flesh. A flesh that no longer has “dominion” over our person. A flesh which is ever being diminished with the constant growth of the spiritual nature.

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