A Life Worth Duplicating (part two)

In our last study we looked at Paul’s reference to the life of Timothy.  In that examination we found some characteristics within Timothy which Paul holds up as fitting examples worth imitating…

  1. He worked to develop a “like minded” relationship with others
  2. He sacrificially cared about others
  3. His priorities were Lord-centered
  4. He was submissive to the spiritual will of others

…all these are sighted by Paul as traits the Philippians know and appreciate as well as ones they (and us) should implement into their own lives.

In this lesson we move on to yet another life worthy of imitation.  Paul shares sufficient information about the man Epaphroditus for us to recognize his unique servant heart.  He utilizes several revealing titles in describing the nature of this sacrificial Philippian messenger.

However, this record is far more that just a report card on a good guy with some good traits.  Paul’s message contains a vital challenge for modern believers  –  How does your sacrificial service compare to that of Paul’s amazing brother,  Epaphroditus?

Click the play button to begin this study.