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We would love to have you come and participate in our Sunday morning Bible classes. Currently we assemble at 9:00 AM for both youth and adult classes. (Click “Ministries” – “Adult Classes” to view current study)

Following class we worship together at 10:00 AM. Our worship gatherings are also streamed live on our YouTube channel: @LincolnCofCNebraska. (Live streaming does not begin until announcement are completed – so a few minutes after 10AM)

Our worship time lessons currently are examining the subject of angels. Scripture says much about angels as they are mentioned approximately 400 times. Yet, not much is revealed about the specifics of these spiritual beings. In your study we will attempt to identify what Scripture does say about them and attain a level of comfort with that which is not revealed about their work in God’s spiritual kingdom.

On Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 PM we also gather for an adult Bible class. Our present study is identified under the Ministries – Adult Bible Class menu.

All are welcome to join us as we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord!

(For current study check out the Adult Bible Class tab – under Ministries)

820 N. 56th St. Lincoln, NE 68504

Phone: 402.466.3113
